Data Science Student

Easy access to bright minds

Data Science Student is a young company operating in the Dutch Data Science domain. We focus on connecting bachelor and master students with companies which are in need of data talents.

Student Company


Want to be a Data Pro?

Are you following a Data Science related bachelor’s or master’s programs? Then find a part-time job in this field with us! Sharpen your skills and acquire new ones by putting your knowledge to the test. Gain relevant working experience that will set you apart from your fellow students. And even better, you will also earn a good salary while doing so.

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Your Profile

Following a relevant Bsc or Msc Program

Motivated and eager to learn

Programming experience

Working proficiency in Dutch or English

We Offer
  • Flexible job
  • Good salary
  • Relevant working experience
  • Big network


Scale up in a flexible and affordable way

Students can be a great addition to your Data Science department. Whether you want to kick-start a new A.I. project for which specific knowledge is required, or just relieve the workload of your experienced data scientists: hiring students is an easy and flexible way to scale-up your department and maximize the efficiency of your whole organization.

Best Fit We recruit the students best suited for your needs.

Carefree We hire and payroll the students, carrying all the risks and liabilities allowing so that you can focus on your core- business.

Flexible & Driven Students are flexible, highly motivated and eager to learn.

Cost efficient Scale up your data department in the most cost-efficient way, without any long term commitments.

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